About this Project

About the Data

This data visualization was made with data contributed by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). The data was extracted from a survey of 4998 households from various places in the Northern Triangle (Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador).

Miscellaneous Sources


  • The decision paths sankey diagram was inspired by and adapted from the Collapsible Tree D3 visualization by Mike Bostock
  • The bar plots were adapted from an animated D3 barplot by Yan Holtz in the D3 graph gallery.


The home page images were taken from the following sources:

Images for the coping strategy decision questions were sourced from the following articles:


Special thanks to Arvind Satyanarayan, Sarah Williams, Rossella Bottone, and Alberto Meouchi for feedback on this project. We also thank the World Food Programme for creating and providing this rich dataset on life in the Northern Triangle.


  • Enrique Casillas
  • Ethan Harrison
  • Viktoriya Tabunshchyk